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AUDE promotes excellence in the strategic planning, management, operation and development of Higher Education estates and facilities. AUDE offers membership to publicly funded UK bodies whose primary remit is higher education teaching and/or research. Our primary objective is to provide strategic support and innovation to those involved in Estates and Facilities Management within Higher Education.

Further information:

Higher Education Estates Statistics Report 2016

UK Universities’ response to the efficiency agenda and their own income generating projects have helped them to increase their income to a record £30bn. In its annual estates management report, AUDE reveals that despite a challenging funding environment and a decrease in home students, the sector grew by £2bn in one year.
A building at the University of Wolverhampton featured in the report

UK university income grows by £2bn in one year, AUDE report reveals

UK Universities' response to the efficiency agenda and their own income generating projects have helped them increase their income to a record £30bn.

Demonstrating HE Efficiency and Effectiveness

This report focuses on how universities continue to deliver value for money in a climate where income is reducing in real terms and competition is increasing, while finding recurrent savings which will enable them to make necessary investments. It includes examples from universities across the UK where universities are saving money through efficient estate management.
toy wooden house on some grass

Five strategies universities are using to keep estate costs down

In the past few years the university sector has grown, yet property costs have remained stable despite substantial upward pressures, according to statistics by AUDE. In its report, AUDE highlights some of the ways that institutions are successfully keeping their estate costs down.

The UK Higher Education Learning Space Toolkit: a SCHOMS, AUDE and UCISA collaboration

This toolkit has been produced by three higher education organisations to help their members share best practice and work more effectively when creating learning spaces. It is intended to serve both as a practical guide and as a source of inspiration in the design of spaces that delight and motivate students, as well as meet their functional needs.

Sue Holmes: ‘student experience remains our priority’

Oxford Brookes, like most universities, is facing pressure on its estate from increasing student numbers and higher expectations. We talk to the university’s director of estates, Sue Holmes, about how she is dealing with these pressures.
Picture credit: University of Wolverhampton

Universities reinvesting estates savings in capital projects, says AUDE

Universities estates costs have remained stable over the past five years despite increasing pressures, the Association of University Directors of Estate’s (AUDE) annual report reveals.

Delivering value from the education estate

At today's Higher and Further Education show Dr Ghazwa Alwani-Starr, director of estates and campus services at the University of Roehampton and Sian Kilner director of Kilner Planning will be highlighting research into how the higher education estate is delivering value. Here are some relevant posts that they have contributed.

Innovative spaces and pedagogies for enhanced teaching and learning

The rise in tuition fees over recent years has made delivering value to students increasingly important, placing renewed spotlight on the quality of teaching and learning spaces within higher education. A recent forum event, hosted by FaulknerBrowns Architects, explored how innovative teaching and learning spaces could support radical new pedagogies.

AUDE updates its toolkit for sustainable estates

An updated version of the Model of Estates Costs has been published by AUDE, which feeds into its toolkit providing guidance for a sustainable estate. The toolkit, which is backed by a number of higher education funders, was put together to improve the tools available to institutions for the management of space in the sector.